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» 2008 » ოქტომბერი » 2 » Wolverine And The X-Men
Wolverine And The X-Men
6:42 PM

Wolverine And The X-Men

Marvel.Com is happy to present your first look at new images from Wolverine & The X-Men, along with good news for the True Believers in the UK! Liberation Entertainment has inked a deal with First Serve Toonz to acquire both the DVD and VOD rights to the 26 part animated series. Additionally, BBC has acquired the television rights to broadcast Wolverine & The X-Men in he UK.

"We are very glad to be involved in this first class original series, and to be working in partnership with Marvel and First Serve Toonz," said Jay Boberg, CEO of Liberation Entertainment.

Spencer Pollard, MD of Liberation Entertainment further explained, "Wolverine and the X-Men is a huge franchise and with the Wolverine movie planned for 2008, this should secure huge interest for our DVD releases. With the strong interest in the show from the leading broadcasters around the world, we can ensure that our TV sales team can work strategically with our UK and International DVD sales teams to maximize the returns for everyone

"Liberation is a young and aggressive company and we think they are the perfect team to sell Wolverine and X-Men around the world", said Ed Borgerding, principal of First Serve Toonz. "The show is a perfect combination of great storytelling, action and fantastic characters. It looks to be a show that will run and run."

Stay tuned to Marvel.Com for all the news on Wolverine & The X-Men and all your favorite Marvel projects!

ეს არის X-MEN:EVOLUTION-ის ერთ-ერთი სერია.

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